Monday 28 April 2008

Ted Haggard

When listening to the being to religous lecture, it came to my mind that to me personally, another idea of being to religous would be to use your faith in trying to influence peoples political beliefs. So i tried to find a good example of this and Ted Haggard is a good example. This man was the head of The National Association of Evangelists (NAE) which represents millions of Evangelist Christians in America. He was even listed in time magazine as one of the 25 most influential evangelists in America. He is firm supporter in President George W Bush and has supported him through out is presidency and rallyed evangical christians to follow his cause.It has even been said that Bush and Haggard meet for meetings every Monday. This shows the power he has in representing such a large community in America. However scandal struck for him. He has publically said that homosexuality is wrong and that is the stance of the NAE. However he was found out to have had sexual relations with another man in 2006 and also of buying the drug Methamphetamine. He has since resigned from his position as head of the NAE, not surprisingly.

Here is the article where he confessed to having Homosexual relations

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