Saturday 19 April 2008

Bill Hicks-comedy hero or just a cynic

Bill Hicks seems to still have a strong popularity even after 14 years since his death. He has seemed to be remembered by the ones who love his work as "The Angry Man of comedy.". I have watched some of Bill Hicks's shows through the dvd releases that have been put out. He talked about topics such as being anti-war, as he was doing shows when the Gulf War was happening, Being pro-smoking, drug use and bashing advertising and corporations. But as the subject of smoking was covered in the Being Bad module here is quote from him on what he thinks of non smokers:

"“The worst kind of non-smokers are the ones that come up to you and cough. That's pretty cruel isn't it? Do you go up to cripples and dance to?."

I have personally found and im sure do a lot of his fans find, that Bill Hicks is not just a comedian but a commentator on the world around and a brutally honest comentator at that, and when i first watched something by Bill Hicks i found it refreshing because it was a person telling you of his experience and opinions instead of just rolling off joke after joke.

However Uk comedian Tim Harkness argues that all Hicks did was tap into a generation of cynics who automatically think the worst of people.

But i think people should watch and decide for themselves so here is a clip of his stand up:

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